Odalisque Berlin

Raum für Kunst & Embodiment

...präsentiert Gruppen- und Einzelausstellungen internationaler KünstlerInnen; interdisziplinäre Kunstprojekte mit Bezügen unter anderem zu Literatur, Sprache, Tanz & Performance. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf ‚embodied arts’ – prozess- und körperbasierten Projekten. 

Ab Juli 2024 Sommerpause


OFFERINGS – Three days of embodied arts – Performance, Video, Ritual

A preview of some participating projects. More details and dates to be announced…

Shumba ya Mukwashi

film by Bob Coen

The song by Zimbabwean Mbira maestro Chartwell Dutiro, is a prayer for guidance from the ancestors during troubled times

Ritual Feast of Water

for World Habitat Day by Urban Poor Consortium

filmed documentation of interreligious performance ritual in Jakarta, Oct. 2003

I will meet you there

film by Karolina Niduza, 2022, UK

Mama Merasses – 1995/2024

video & performance by Ziv Frenkel 

Fire Dance

filmed performance by Abi Tariq